We are pleased as punch to be part of the line-up for this year's ArtsFest - Birmingham's free art spectacular. From 11th-13th September, the city will come alive with music, film, comedy and theatre.
The Roundeye found-film poem Dance of the Coward is part of the Turntable event, next Sunday 13th September at 1:20pm in the city's Crescent Theatre.
It's a rare chance to see our little film - which has only screened once before, in London. It captures the famous matador El Cordobes doing his dirty deed in Ibiza. It's a shocking one folks...
The best part is, every event at the ArtsFest is free! For the programme click here.
KINO SHORTS 5 presentsTHE BEST OF CINEMATOPIAWednesday 9th September 2009 at 8pmGreen Room, 54-56 Whitworth Street West, ManchesterTickets £4
Our irrepressible Stag Movie is now making her way to Manchester, boobies and all…
Kinofilm will play host to The Best of Cinematopia 2009, an awesome line-up of the grooviest short film, music video, animation and digital media, selected from this year’s past events at Preston’s Mad Ferrett. If you haven’t been to one of their events yet in Preston, now’s the chance to see what they’ve been up in darkest Lancashire – where some say there’s there’s even an Independent film scene there… so come find out what all the fuss is about.If you missed it at the Glastonferret Festival, now's your chance to see it on the big screen!