Pssssssst. Some Roundeye films will be screening at the next Bang! Short Film Festival. It's the extra-special 10th edition actually - this Saturday 28th November.
Bang! is the East Midland's premier short film event, and you can watch our films as part of the HEdge artists' cinema screening at the Broadway Cinema in Nottingham. Kick off is 7:30pm.
We'd just returned from some tapas, funnily enough, so it was with belly's full of SpanishShiraz when we found out that España loves us back! Why? because two of Ben Barton's finest cuts: The Return of Ellen Love and Uphill for Jesus have been selected for InCINEracion,Spain's long-running cult art film festival. [Myspace is HERE]
With a renowned penchant for super 8 film, this year's is the 14th edition of the festival, featuring the work of 21 artists from Spain, Argentina, Canada and the UK... and in our humble opinion the line-upis looking champion. Our two flicks will be screened at the Elipa Cultural Centre, Madrid, on Tuesday 17th November (earlier than originally advertised). Projections start at 7.30pm and entry is 100% gratis!
The Ellen Love juggernaut just keeps chugging on... and we are very excited to reveal that our Gothic underground pièce de résistance is part of the official selection for Euroshorts, Poland's best short film festival.
Courtesy of the Kino Lab, the film is part of the 'experimental' competition selection being screened at Wasaw's Centre for Contemporary Art, Ujazdowski Castle, on November 15th @ 8pm.
The Halloween magick is rolling on, and The Return of Ellen Love, our moody Gothic super 8 film, is going to be screened at the Picturedrome in Northampton for The Film Lab.