Following the low-key premiere of Getting Ready on Wednesday, the latest Roundeye film is now off to London for the fantabulosa Queer As Film night.
The event is part of the London Independent Film Festival, and we’re honoured to be part of what has been dubbed ‘the best of the New British Queer Cinema’. Kudos indeed.As the title suggests, all the films come from those within the exclusive friendship circle of Dorothy, so we’re looking forward to a camptastic event which promises ‘desperate visions, trash chic imaginings, video nasties and midnight movie epics’.If this sounds like your cup of Earl Gay, why not head to Soho’s The Crown and Two Chairman on Dean Street, this Sunday at 7:30pm. The line-up for the night is thus:‘Diana’ - directed by Aleem Khan‘Homoworld’ - directed by Max Barber‘Greg and the Luck Factory’ - directed by Alan Friel‘Notice’ - directed by Amy Hill‘Getting Ready’ - directed by Ben Barton‘Latecomers’ - directed by Olivia HumphreysBe there or be... queer.
Well - the act of guerrilla filmmaking never did run smooth, as they say, and yesterday was no exception.
The photo above was taken approximately nine seconds before we were 'moved on' (i.e. frogmarched off the premises) from our local Starbucks by the ever-vigilant Folkestone Town Centre security staff - citing 'terrorism' I might add.
If this doesn’t seem ridiculous enough to you yet - let me expand the picture a little more... The security guard in question was actually speaking to two filmmakers clutching a tiny super-8 camera, as well as... a seven-foot cardboard cut-out of James Dean.
“No I don’t have a fucking permit!”
I can hear my own rather-camp voice echoing in my ears even now, a phrase only half-jokingly uttered while being escorted to the exits by a grey, sad little man who clutched his walkie-talkie close to his chest like a prized teddy bear.
So anyway, back to the photo. Well those hands are the 2D cardboard limbs of the aforementioned James Dean – who has been resurrected, Roundeye style, for our latest film: 5,000 Miles From Hollywood.
Still a work-in-progress, the latest from your favourite universally ignored underground movie studio is another super-8 trash epic. This one is a shaggy dog story, of sorts, where two men (one real, the other cardboard) go sightseeing around Sunny Folkestone. The fact that one of the men was/is the greatest dead-too-soon Hollywood star ever to have lived, is inconsequential.
Sorry if it’s all a bit cryptic - but all will become clear soon. (Just as soon as the films come back from the lab – so let’s hope the super-8 gods are smiling on us...)
Words: Ben Barton
Photo: Chris Holdsworth - official Roundeye brother
Well it's a fuzzy mobile phone shot of our Jennifer Harris on the big screen, during the Cinesaurus Film Society screening, that's what! Hopefully Getting Ready will be coming to a screen near you soon!x
A quick reminder that Uphill for Jesus and The Return of Ellen Love are screening later this week from 21st-22nd April at the InCINEracion Independent Film Festival, Spain.
The 2010 event is being held in Granada at the Afrodisia Club, beginning at 8:30pm.Screenings are free but seats are limited!
As said a couple of weeks ago – we’ve been busy organising screenings for the latest Roundeye film, Getting Ready, and the premiere is nearly here...
First out the blocks, the film will be shown at Canterbury’s coolest venue, the Orange Street Music Club as part of the Cinesaurus Film Society evening. The main event for the night is ‘500 Days of Summer’, but before that there will be a selection of short films by local independent filmmakers as a warm-up to the main feature.
Late notice – but it’s this Wednesday 21st April at 8pm. Entry £3.
Oh – and for that oh-so-authentic movie going experience - there’s popcorn too! We love that.