It's part of the unique Soup & Cinema night - one of the Town and Country events, a series of collaborations between Project Space Leeds and the Harewood House Trust, exploring issues surrounding the urban and the rural.
PSL [Project Space Leeds] is an independent contemporary art space, staging exhibitions across all art forms by artists from the UK and abroad. PSL occupies 500 square metres of ground floor exhibition space at Whitehall Waterfront in the new West End of Leeds, just five minutes' walk from the train station.
Wednesday 16th September, 6pm-9pm
Tickets £4, places are limited so please book in advance
Making a meal out of the fresh produce from Hortuseum, our in-house greenhouse, PSL invites you to share a soup supper before sitting down to an evening of artists' films.
BYOB (bring you own bowl, and spoon) - first come first served!